Sensus Customer Connection Newsletter
  Customer Connection
  July 2016  
  In this issue –  
    Customer First Initiative  
    Customer Spotlight: Easton Suburban Water Authority  
    ally Water Meter: Your New Friend in the Field  
    We Go to Extremes so You Don’t Have to  
    See You at the 2016 Sensus Reach Conference  
    SPAN Corner: Get Connected with SPAN Community  
    On the Road with Sensus  
In Other News    |    About Sensus Customer Connection    |    Feedback    |    Past Issues
  Customer First Initiative  

Our Customer First initiative is more than a phrase; it’s a mantra we’re committed to—at all levels of our organization. This quarter, we dedicated this recurring column to spotlighting a few of the ways we strive to be a true partner and not just another vendor on your list.

Randy Bays  

Randy Bays
President, Sensus

Often people think of companies as cold, faceless entities. But that’s not Sensus. We’re a group of dedicated, hard-working people committed to being your partner, your helper, your friend. That begins with bringing our best to the table each and every day.

And that goes both ways. Just as you rely on Sensus, we rely on you. Together, we are greater than the sum of our parts and are able to accomplish remarkable deeds, a few of which we highlight in here in Sensus Customer Connection.

Take, for instance, Easton Suburban Water Authority (ESWA), our 500th Software as a Service (SaaS) customer. Our relationship with them is a union of equals where each side focuses on what they do best.

We own and manage ESWA’s advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) network. ESWA provides quality water and customer service at a reasonable rate—which is aided by their saving $85,000 a year with SaaS.

We strive to provide that level of commitment to every customer. Nowhere is that spirit more evident than with the Sensus Partner and Advisor Network, or SPAN. Key to the success of that relationship is communication.

And effective communication often relies on tools that help you connect and learn. The new online portal SPAN Community is one such example. It’s the place members can go to find the latest information and stay on top of topics of interest.

It’s one more way to get the most out of your investment in and relationship with us. Connect. Learn. Share. Reach farther together. That’s the heart of working with Sensus.

To best experience that firsthand, consider joining us in November at the 2016 Sensus Reach Conference. While there, seek me out. I’ll be walking the event floor and attending networking activities. I’ll also hold office hours, where you can stop in, take five and share a few thoughts about what’s top of mind with you.

Those conversations are crucial. They’re the best way for us for us to build a stronger relationship—a true partnership.

You could have turned to any number of companies, but you selected Sensus. We’re honored by your decision, and we pledge to do our best to be that trusted advisor you can always count on.

Randy Bays
  Customer Spotlight:
Easton Suburban Water Authority

  Customer Spotlight: Easton Suburban Water Authority
Smart water utilities, like Easton Suburban Water Authority (ESWA), are experts at providing reliable service to their customers, not managing technology.

That’s why they partnered with us to own and manage their advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) network. We administer the system. They focus on what they do best: providing quality water service to customers at a reasonable rate.

With a Sensus smart water system, including the FlexNet®communication network, more than 30,000 iPERL® water meters, Sensus® Logic MDM™ Application Suite and Software as a Service, ESWA is saving more than $85,000 annually.

Read the case study to learn more.

Got a compelling story of your own? One that will educate and enlighten others in the industry? We want to hear from you. Contact Paula Dickerson, and share your story. The next customer highlighted here could be you.
  ally Water Meter:
Your New Friend in the Field

ally Water Meter

The newest member of your water utility staff won’t be joining the company softball team, chatting with you in the break room or chipping in for Friday pizza. But that doesn’t mean you won’t have a new friend.

Our new ally™ water meter turns the stalwart mainstay once counted on to determine how much water is used from a measuring devices into a virtual member of your staff.

Manage water flow from on/off to reduced flow

“With the integrated, three-state valve, utilities can remotely turn on water for a new account, turn it off in the event of a leak or reduce the flow,” said Dan Pinney, Senior Director of Global Water Marketing.

The reduced flow option helps you manage high maintenance accounts, write-offs for bad debt and collections.

Like a good friend who shares information, the ally meter’s alarms can alert you to myriad conditions including empty pipes, reverse flows, leaks and tampering.

Monitor pressure and temperature

Pressure is simply the way we deliver water. Without it, water doesn’t move. The ally meter also contains sensors for monitoring pressure at the service connection. What’s more, with the Sensus® Smart Gateway Sensor Interface and Sensus Essential Water Analytics, utilities can create a map of the complete service area which will help with overall operational efficiency.

“If we can improve pressure monitoring and control, utilities can better manage energy consumption—because it takes a lot of energy to pump and move water around,” said Pinney.

Temperature sensors in the ally meter can alert you to potential freezing problems, either at the service connection or in the water mains. They can also help with water quality because the warmer it is, the faster water goes bad.

Prioritize data transmission

Transmitting the data from the meter back to you happens with the Sensus FlexNet system, a powerful, utility-grade communication network that helps support the growth of smart cities.

“Think of the network as another pipe, only this one carries data, not water,” said Pinney. “Unlike a water pipe, though, the data can be prioritized, so that the most important information reaches the utility first.”

For many utilities, that priority data is about leaks. And stopping leaks is important because they contribute to non-revenue water, affect conservation efforts, and if left unattended, can lead to expensive property damage.

“Water utility staff can’t be in all places at all times. That’s why they need a friend in the field—and an ally they can count on,” said Pinney.
  We Go to Extremes so You Don’t Have to  

We Go to Extremes so You Don't Have to

Blinding rain. Arctic cold. Excessive heat. Oppressive humidity. Driving winds. Meters have to run 24/7/365, no matter the weather. And in some instances, that weather is extreme. Certainly not as extreme as the record-setting 56.7° C in Death Valley, California or the -68° C in the Siberian village of Oymyakon, but unforgiving nonetheless.

If you can imagine it, we’ve tested for it

Fortunately, your meters don’t have to operate under conditions like those. Even if they did, you could rest assured Sensus had you covered. As part of our regular highly accelerated life testing (HALT) program, we cool and heat powered meters to temperatures ranging from -40° C to 85° C, sometimes beyond.

Every hour, continuously for up to four weeks, we subject them to 50° C temperature swings with 100 percent humidity to form condensation inside the meter. The process is intense, exposing them to up to 10 Gs of vibration force (compare to the 8 to 10 Gs that cause fighter pilots to black out) and aging them in mere weeks instead of decades.

As if excessive heat and cold weren’t enough, we then go on to test them for water intrusion under harsh winds and torrential rain. Our newest, custom test developed by our team in Research Triangle Park subjects them to rain driven by hurricane-force wind gusts. Because we know if our products can endure conditions like these, they can certainly endure the worst your service area has to offer.

“We do all this so you can rest easy, knowing whatever the conditions, no matter how unforgiving, our products won’t let you down,” said Rick Daniel, Senior Director, Global System and Solution Testing.

We test so we can learn

We don’t run these tests just once or twice during the development cycle. We run them continuously for weeks, even months, at a time—throughout the entire process from components to finished product. In fact, we never stop testing.

We never stop learning from those tests either. After each one, we perform in-depth analysis with some of the most sophisticated equipment available. We literally dissect our products, slicing them to pieces and scrutinizing our findings.

Rest assured. We’ve got you covered

“Our goal is to give you peace of mind and the comfort of knowing our products, including water, gas, electric and lighting, will operate safely, efficiently and worry-free for years and years in the best and worst conditions imaginable,” said Daniel.
  See You at the 2016
Sensus Reach Conference
2016 Sensus Reach Conference  

If you haven’t already, we invite you to register for the 2016 Sensus Reach Conference, November 6-9 at JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa, Palm Desert, California.

From hands-on technical workshops to product roadmaps to customer case studies to roundtable discussions, the agenda is jam packed with opportunities for you to:
  1. Advance your knowledge. Expand your understanding of our product, solution and services portfolios and learn best practices from experts and peers.
  2. Get technical training. Learn how to leverage the value of your investment in Sensus products and solutions with training from subject matter experts.
  3. Network with your peers. Share insights and discuss the latest trends. Connect and learn from one another. Commit to join together and reach farther.
You can also visit the Partner Pavilion exhibits, participate in Sunday’s golf tournament or desert jeep tour as well as enjoy other local amenities.

Recognize those who reach farther

Our customers, distributors and employees are the best of the best, and we want to celebrate them at this year’s conference. To do so, we need your help.

Do you know someone who has reached farther through the application of Sensus technology? How about someone who’s gone above and beyond to make their town a better place to live, work and play?

Recognize their achievement by nominating them for the 2016 Sensus Reach Awards in one of these categories:
  1. Customer Reach Awards
  2. Distributor Reach Awards
  3. Employee Reach Awards
It’s easy to recommend someone. Follow these nomination instructions and submit your entry today. All applications must be received by 5:00 pm (EDT) on Monday, August 1, 2016.

Take advantage of early bird discounts

Again, it’s not too soon to register. Do so by September 30 and you will lock in early bird savings of $100 on the conference fee and another $100 on technical workshops.

Register Now
  SPAN Corner: Get Connected
with SPAN Community
SPAN: Sensus Partner Advisor Network  

SPAN Community is a new online portal for SPAN members to connect with and learn from one another. It’s also the place to find the latest information about upcoming events and stay on top of trending topics of interest to you. Read on to learn more.

One of the best things about being a member of SPAN is the opportunity to learn from and share experiences with other members.

There are a number of ways to do that. The annual meeting at the Reach Conference. Subcommittee meetings. Quarterly updates with us. Working the Sensus booth at trade shows.

Now you have one more option: SPAN Community.

A new site for SPAN

Available to SPAN members, SPAN Community is the place for subcommittees to meet, for members to talk to one another via social features and to keep tabs on all upcoming meetings and activities. You can also conduct polling on topics of current interest, upload product documentation and get status updates.

  1. It all begins My Sensus Connection.
  2. Log in and click the SPAN Community button on the home page.
And a whole new way for SPAN members to connect awaits.

Monitor trends and keep apprised of upcoming events

Of immediate interest will be the Chatter and Calendar tabs found in the top navigation. Chatter is a collaboration and social commenting platform. Key features include:
  • Real-time feeds
  • User profiles
  • Status updates
  • File and link uploads
  • Polling
The Calendar tab lets you access the events management portion of the site. It’s the place to learn about upcoming activities of potential interest to you. Click through by the month, week or agenda list view to get a clear picture of the full scope of SPAN activities.

For members only. Join today.

“SPAN Community makes it easier for members to connect than ever before,” said Mitch Cason, Chairman SPAN, and Network Coordinator, Georgia Power. “Go to My Sensus Connection, enter your credentials and you’re immediately connected to a wealth of resources to help you get the most out of your investment in Sensus.”

But you have to be a SPAN member to get access. For more information about joining, contact Mitch at [email protected] or 404-506-7315.
  On the Road with Sensus  
Sensus and our customers will participate in a number of conferences in the coming months. Be certain to stop by our booth and attend the sessions we or our customers and partners are speaking at while you’re there. Visit our website for a complete list of upcoming events.

In Other News
  • Thanks to all of you who stopped by our booth at ACE16, where we won the Best of Show award. Our booth, themed FlexNet Lets the Data Flow, featured a number of our solutions, including, of course, the FlexNet communication network.
  • We’re honored to share that our community partner EarthShare NC (ESNC) named Sensus its Corporate Partner of the Year during their 2016 Corporate Earth Day Events. ESNC is part of a coalition of more than 500 nonprofits across the country working to protect the health of our air, land, water and wildlife. We couldn’t be prouder of our affiliation or of our employees who have embraced the partnership and made it their own.
About Sensus Customer Connection
Sensus Customer Connection is a quarterly e-newsletter created with you, the Sensus customer, in mind. Here we'll share important company announcements, initiatives, product information and upcoming events. It will also be a place where you can learn from your peers and hear about how Sensus products and services help them achieve their organizational goals.

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We want the sharing to go both ways and encourage you to recommend your success story for coverage in future editions. Send that information to Paula Dickerson. All submissions will be captured and considered for future newsletters. The next customer success story you read might be your own!

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