Sensus Customer Connection Newsletter
  Customer Connection
  October 2016  
  In this issue –  
    Customer First Initiative  
    Customer Spotlight: Berkeley County Water & Sanitation  
    Overwhelmed by Data? Let Us Help  
    Stratus Electricity Meter Shipments Near 200,000 Mark  
    Smart Lighting: The Fast Track to Becoming Smarter  
    Let's Get Smarter in Palm Desert  
    SPAN Corner: Year in Review  
    On the Road with Sensus  
In Other News    |    About Sensus Customer Connection    |    Feedback    |    Past Issues
  Customer First Initiative  

Our Customer First initiative is more than a phrase; it's a mantra we're committed to—at all levels of our organization. In this issue of Sensus Customer Connection, we zero in in on a handful of ways we're helping you make you, your cities and your communities smarter.

Randy Bays  

Randy Bays
President, Sensus

Ever since I've been here, fall has been a momentous time at Sensus. I came on board in September 2013. We unveiled Sensus Customer Connection in fall 2014, and in fall 2015, we revealed our new brand and re-launched our website. And the second half of 2016 is not to be outdone.

Most, if not all, of you are aware of Xylem's planned acquisition of Sensus, announced in mid-August. Clearly, it's an exciting time to be here. There are many great opportunities on the horizon, and we will share more in the weeks and months ahead.

One thing you can always count on—now and in the future—is our commitment to you. Absolutely nothing is more important to us than maintaining and extending strong relationships with our customers. You are our lifeblood, and walking as a partner alongside of you is our number one goal.

You see examples of our striving to reach that goal in virtually everything we do. It might be putting you on the fast track to being a smart city with smart lighting. Or helping you make sense of the tidal wave of data threatening to overwhelm you. And there's the yearly Sensus Reach Conference where thought leaders and subject matter experts offer insight on how to best leverage your investment with us.

No doubt, many of you will join us in November at this year's event in Palm Desert. I and other members of the leadership team will be there, walking the event floor and attending networking events. I’ll also hold office hours where you can stop in and share your thoughts. We want to hear them.

Thank you for your continued trust over the years. We're honored to call you our customers—our partners. We're excited about what the future holds, and know that together, nothing's out of reach.

Randy Bays
  Customer Spotlight:
Berkeley County Water & Sanitation

  Customer Spotlight: Berkeley County Water and Sanitation (BCWS)
Serving South Carolina's largest county, Berkeley County Water & Sanitation (BCWS) connects more than 100 new customers each month and generates massive amounts of data. Making sense of it in a way that benefits all 24,000 customers is no easy task.

BCWS turned to Sensus for a smart water system powered by the Sensus FlexNet® communication network and the Sensus® Logic MDM™ Application Suite that enables them to:
  • Notify customers of potential leaks
  • Monitor inactive accounts on a daily basis
  • Equip crews with the right parts to resolve issues in one call
  • Read all meters on the same day
  • Analyze data to spot trends, troubleshoot and prepare for the future
Read the case study to learn more.

Got a compelling story of your own? One that will educate and enlighten others in the industry? We want to hear from you. Contact Paula Dickerson, and share your story. The next customer highlighted here could be you.
  Overwhelmed by Data? Let Us Help.  
Overwhelmed by data?

Feeling alone and inundated by big data? Don't have enough hours in the day to process and understand it? We're here to help.

Our software developers and analytics gurus can help you glean vital insights from your data. Insights that will help you today and tomorrow.

Putting data to work for you
Almost two years ago, we had an "a-ha moment" when we realized that leveraging the meter data collected in our data center had untapped potential for us and our Software as a Service (SaaS) customers. Long a standard practice in other industries, we, too, use aggregate, non-identifiable customer data to spot potential issues and devise solutions.

It's new ground for the utility industry.
"Each day, we collect more than 575 million meter reads in our data center—that's more daily entries than there are tweets on Twitter!" said Mitchell Hensley, Director of Software Strategy.

What data is being collected? Everything from meter reads to RF messaging to alarm data (no personally identifiable information though). We look at how that data is used by our customers and uncover ideas for growth in our product lines.

We also see anomalies and we figure out how to correct them and our solutions before you have to call and tell us there's a problem.

Engaging you in software development
We understand how important your role is in the software development process. We know the only way to ensure we deliver the software, analytics and applications you want, the solutions you actually need, is to actively engage you.

"We can't improve without your feedback," said Hensley. "The more you share and the more you push us, the farther we can reach—together."
  Stratus Electricity Meter Shipments
Near 200,000 Mark
Stratus Electricity Meter Shipments Near 200,000 Mark  
Production and shipments of Stratus®, our latest UL-certified electricity meter, are going gangbusters. With numbers approaching the 200-thousand mark for shipped product, we believe you'll agree.

Vast testing, UL 2735 certification and favorable beta trials, are a few reasons why the market has enthusiastically adopted the meter.

"Electric utilities and municipalities want groundbreaking technology they can rely on," said Greg Myers, Vice President of Global Electric Marketing and Partnerships. "With Stratus, utilities get peace of mind while capturing and analyzing data for efficiency and responsiveness."

Safe. Accurate. Reliable.
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is the leading organization for testing, certifying and validating electric meters. Stratus meets the highest industry standards, including ANSI, UL 2735 and UL 61010. And we've got the certifications to prove it.

"When we designed the meter, we purposely included specifications that spoke to customer requirements and, frankly, wish lists of what they wanted in an electric meter," said Myers.

Utilities also use smart meters to remotely monitor the health of the system, proactively solve problems and predict energy demand.

"With Stratus, you can use your system data to anticipate or avoid service delivery and power outage issues. This is a quantum leap forward in resiliency and real-world example of IoT in action," said Myers.

Data. Data. And more data.
The UL-certified Stratus meter is available in form 2S remote disconnect and supports multiple applications including outage management, opt-in, opt-out, conservation voltage reduction and phase detection.

Contact your sales representative to learn more.
  Smart Lighting: The Fast Track to
Becoming Smarter
Smart Lighting: The Fast Track to Becoming Smarter  
Smart cities leverage investments in infrastructure to improve the quality of life. It starts with delivering clean and smart water, dependable and smart power, safe and smart gas, and now efficient and smart outdoor lighting.

Smart lighting is about more than a fixture. A truly intelligent solution, such as VantagePoint® Lighting Control, includes a lighting control module, lighting software and the FlexNet communication network to give you greater control and automation of your lights.

Shine the light on public safety
Over the summer, leaders in Philadelphia turned to VantagePoint to spearhead the city's sustainability efforts. Piloted during the 2016 Democratic National Convention (DNC), the solution controlled energy-saving smart streetlights along Independence Mall for DNC attendees.

Those lights remain in place today where they can be brightened, flashed or dimmed to support public safety for all visitors to the City of Brotherly Love.

Light the path to other smart solutions
Monitoring air quality, traffic and weather. Detecting images, motion or gunshots. These are all potential extended uses of smart street and area lighting.

"The benefits of VantagePoint, FlexNet and Sensus Analytics go way beyond energy savings, reduced costs and enhanced public safety," said Charlie Nobles, Director of Lighting Solutions at Sensus. "They also create a pathway to implementing the innovative smart solutions of today—and tomorrow."

Shed more light on the subject
Want to learn more? Read our eBook about smart lighting and its benefits. Download our infographic. Or send us an email to schedule a demo.
  Let's Get Smarter in Palm Desert  
2016 Sensus Reach Conference  

Looking for ways to take your smart city or community and make it smarter? There's no better place to be than the 2016 Sensus Reach Conference.

Join your peers in Palm Desert November 6-9 as we gather to network and learn. Over the course of the three-day, 120-session conference, you'll uncover information and insight guaranteed to help you reach farther.

As you finalize your travel arrangements, there are a few last-minute items you'll want to keep in mind.

Of course, there's an app for that
Stay on top of all that's happening with the Sensus Events App. Registered attendees, look for your invitation to download this free app to your smart phone or tablet and bring your conference experience to a new level. You'll be able to see more, do more and get more value out of the event—right from your mobile device.

Features include:
  • The conference schedule and interactive maps
  • Event news and last-minute updates
  • An attendee list so you can connect with others
  • Exhibitor and presenter details and links to available presentations
Look for the email sent to the address you used to register and follow the instructions found there.

Don't forget
Before you to go sleep on Saturday, November 5, be sure to turn your clock or watch back by one hour. That way, you won't be late for the extra activities, meetings and welcome reception planned for Sunday.

And Tuesday, November 8 is Election Day so voters will need to cast absentee ballots before they head to the conference.

See you soon in Palm Desert!
  SPAN Corner: Year in Review  
SPAN: Get Connected  

Building off last year's theme of Rename, Recommit and Re-energize, SPAN members have made tremendous strides in 2016. We recently caught up with Mitch Cason, outgoing Chairman, SPAN, and Network Coordinator at Georgia Power Company to get his thoughts on the achievements of the past year.

"When looking back, it's important to remember that goals don't always follow the calendar," said Cason. "They often carry over from one year to the next. That's why we've continued to focus on recommitting and re-energizing our membership."

Accessible information breeds excitement
What better way to generate enthusiasm than putting vital data and news at everyone's fingertips? Introduced this spring, SPAN Community is your one-stop portal containing all the information SPAN members regularly need.

You've embraced it wholeheartedly and regularly turn to it to connect with one another, get updates about upcoming events and stay on top of trending topics. It's the perfect source for the latest about subcommittee activities, ensuring you're always in the know.

Increased numbers and new committees, too
Since last year's Reach Conference, SPAN has welcomed 35 new members, many of whom we hope to see in Palm Desert at this year's event.

There they'll have the opportunity to meet members of the new ad-hoc analytics subcommittee, which held its first meeting in late August. Expect to hear a lot more from this group as it fulfills its charge of helping you better understand the massive amounts of data the FlexNet network puts at your fingertips.

Make your voice heard
SPAN subcommittee chairs will host a networking session open to all SPAN members from 3 to 3:45 p.m. on Sunday, November 6 at the 2016 Sensus Reach Conference. It will be followed by this year's annual business session for SPAN members from 4 to 6 p.m.

"SPAN is really there for you," said Cason. "It's your opportunity to speak to Sensus in the first person—to truly be the voice of the customer. However, if you don't join and you don't participate, you can't do that."

For more information about joining SPAN, contact Cason at [email protected] or 404-506-7315.
  On the Road with Sensus  
Sensus and our customers will participate in a number of conferences in the coming months. Be certain to stop by our booth and attend the sessions we or our customers and partners are speaking at while you're there. Visit our website for a complete list of upcoming events.

  • Rural Smart Grid Summit
    October 30 – November 1, 2016
    PGA National Resort & Spa, Palm Beach, FL
    Awards Gala Sponsors

  • DistribuTECH
    January 31 – February 2, 2017
    San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA
    Booth #3031

  • TechAdvantage
    February 26 – March 1, 2017
    San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA
    Booth #631

In Other News
  • In addition to loyal customers, talented people and first-class technology, sheer longevity within the marketplace has helped us get to the place where we are today. In September, employees at our office in Ludwigshafen, Germany celebrated our 125th anniversary there. That's a lot of history in the making, due in large part to the best customers around the world—you.

  • For the third year in a row, municipal utility executives named the Sensus Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) product portfolio the "Best Smart Grid Solution" during the Municipal Smart Grid Summit (MSGS). The FlexNet network was honored for quality, accuracy and efficiency.

  • Are you certain your smart meters are properly installed and able to meet the performance requirements and demands of a modern grid? Top power industry research firm, EnerNex, teamed with Sensus to publish Modern Electricity Meter Safety, Accuracy and Performance Testing, a new report to address the evolution of meter design and performance. Download the report today.

  • Julien Chomette and Vijay Thiagarajan, electrical and computer engineering upperclassmen at North Carolina State University's College of Engineering, were selected as the inaugural recipients of the 2016-2017 Sensus Reach℠ Scholarship. The scholarship deepens our relationship with one of the top engineering schools in North Carolina.

  • A big shout out to the Sensus customers, distributors and partners who participated in the Fourth Annual Sensus Charity Golf Tournament. Together, we raised $57,000 to benefit Make-A-Wish® Eastern North Carolina. In all, the tournament has raised more than $180,000 since its inception in 2013. At an average cost of $7,500 per wish, that's a lot of dreams come true.

About Sensus Customer Connection
Sensus Customer Connection is a quarterly e-newsletter created with you, the Sensus customer, in mind. Here we'll share important company announcements, initiatives, product information and upcoming events. It will also be a place where you can learn from your peers and hear about how Sensus products and services help them achieve their organizational goals.

If this issue was forwarded to you and you'd like to receive future issues, you can subscribe by completing this form.

Share Your Feedback
We want the sharing to go both ways and encourage you to recommend your success story for coverage in future editions. Send that information to Paula Dickerson. All submissions will be captured and considered for future newsletters. The next customer success story you read might be your own!

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