Customer Connection
    April 21, 2015  
    In this issue –  
      Customer First Initiative  
      Customer Spotlight: Wake Electric  
      New VantagePoint Lighting Control Solution  
      RNI 3.2 Generally Available  
      Utility Conference Rebranded  
      RTP Demo Lab Showcases Technology  
      SFUG Becomes SPAN  
      On the Road with Sensus  
In Other News    |    About Customer Connection    |    Feedback    |    Past Issues
  Customer First Initiative  

Our Customer First initiative is more than a phrase; it's a mantra we're committed to—at all levels of our organization. You are our top priority, and everything we do is with you and your satisfaction in mind. We dedicate this recurring column to our most important audience, our customers.

Randy Bays  

Randy Bays
President, Sensus


Our new fiscal year began just a couple of weeks ago on April 1. As you can imagine, we've spent a great deal of time evaluating the previous year's activities, gleaning lessons learned and incorporating insights into a strategic plan for the current year. In fact, we distilled those lessons into several distinct business objectives for fiscal 2016. They span the entire breadth and depth of Sensus, but they are all tied together by one common theme: how to best serve our customers.

The obvious place to start (or continue) is with quality. In January, I noted how we intend for quality to be our differentiator—the way we set Sensus apart from the competition. I believe few things are more important than high quality solutions and services. They're the springboard from which strong partnerships are established. Quality nurtures trust. It builds confidence, and it is a mark of professionalism. We haven't always hit that mark, but we've always tried. And we've done our best to learn from the past with an eye toward continually improving in the future. At all times, quality will be rooted in everything we do. That's a promise we make to ourselves and to you.

Another key objective for us is teamwork. To ensure we're able to work with you in the most effective manner possible, we've committed ourselves to better understanding your business needs. Our interactions with you will be more than a sales call and will not be limited to the request for proposal (RFP) process alone. We will take every opportunity to learn more about your unique needs, your aspirations and how we can help you achieve them.

One sure guarantee of success in that regard is to bring simplicity into the process wherever possible. I'll be the first to speak to the value of the innovative and complex technology embedded in our products. But I'll also be among the first to recognize that perhaps the best way to serve you is to simplify our interactions with you. There's no better way to do that than to make helpful information readily available and to work cooperatively with you to immediately resolve any issues that arise.

Your work is of vital importance. It's the very foundation of modern life, and we're honored to be a part of it. Our pledge to you—now and tomorrow—is to be your partner, jointly facing whatever lies ahead. We don't know what the future holds. But we do know that when we commit to reach, arrive, and then reach again, we can connect in ways that significantly increase our capacity for real impact. After all, no matter where we start from, with determination and joint commitment, we can all reach farther.

Randy Bays
  Customer Spotlight: Wake Electric  
Wake Electric

Wake Electric Membership Corporation (Wake Electric) is leveraging the robust Sensus FlexNet™ communication network to take advantage of data analytics solutions that drive an integrated transformer utilization and voltage monitoring program. Since deploying the FlexNet system, Wake Electric has improved billing accuracy, system management and customer service.

Using our FlexNet system and data analytics, Wake Electric aims to:

•  Maximize asset life and system design
•  Streamline outage management
•  Improve the customer experience

Read the case study to learn more.

Got a compelling story of your own? One that will educate and enlighten others in the industry? We want to hear from you. Contact Paula Dickerson, and share your story. The next customer highlighted here could be you.

  New VantagePoint Lighting
Control Solution

The brightest lights at February's DistribuTECH conference weren't all coming from the ceiling of the San Diego Convention Center. Many of them came from booth 1801 as Sensus showcased its new VantagePoint™ Lighting Control Solution. VantagePoint enables public service providers—including cities, municipalities and utilities—to remotely monitor and control street and area lights. Our intelligent lighting solution consists of a lighting control module and lighting software that leverages the Sensus FlexNet communication network.

A robust platform for building a smart public services infrastructure, VantagePoint enables public service providers to:

  • Reduce operating costs
  • Enhance customer service
  • Conserve energy
  • Improve public safety
New VantagePoint Lighting Control Solution  
Because VantagePoint leverages the FlexNet system, public service providers can run multiple applications on the same network while simultaneously laying the groundwork for a smart city. In particular, DistribuTECH booth visitors appreciated how that flexibility in action positively impacts the transition from legacy lighting to newer, more efficient LED lighting.

"VantagePoint lighting's self-discovery feature means that when the device is installed, it registers the type of lighting fixture, creating a record of what is in the field," said Director of Lighting Marketing, Charlie Nobles. "Customers love this capability because it helps them create an accurate database of their lighting inventory—a key benefit for their deployment business case."

Customers aren't the only ones talking about VantagePoint. Writers at Mother Nature Network see tremendous advantage in the solution's capabilities, too.

Contact your sales representative or send us an email to learn more about VantagePoint or to schedule a demonstration.

  RNI 3.2 Generally Available  
RNI 3.2 Generally Available  

Nothing changes at quite the pace of technology. Almost every day it seems like a new feature is being touted for your computer, your cell phone or other electronic device—all designed to help you work smarter and more efficiently. The same is true for periodic updates to the regional network interface (RNI). Combining specific customer requests with the latest innovations in technology, they range from performance upgrades designed to make the technology work better and faster to support for new solutions, such as VantagePoint Lighting Control.

Following a soft launch on January 31, RNI 3.2 was made generally available on March 31. This update enables public service providers to better leverage the Sensus FlexNet communication system to more efficiently manage devices and communications. As the data source for water, gas, electric and lighting control as well as general status information, RNI 3.2 also allows users to develop and expand their range of offerings and conservation efforts.

Some of the new enhancements include:

  • An updated Device Manager web-based user interface with interactive graphics on the dashboard, support for the management of commercial lights, and more filtering and grouping options. Users can now quickly view alerts for devices, manage VantagePoint Lighting Control modules and group devices by network characteristics.
  • Radio frequency network tuning of downlink channels through third-party software. Once extended to the Sensus Network Management System (NMS), this capability will enable the NMS to distribute endpoints across multiple downlink channels to optimize outbound traffic in large, multi-frequency solutions.
  • Support for future devices, such as temperature and pressure sensors for both water and gas

Updates are not automatic. We work with our customers to run tests and determine the best time for the updates to occur. Hardware and licenses required to support them come at an additional cost. However, Sensus Software as a Service (SaaS) customers receive a yearly upgrade, including those for the RNI, at no additional cost.

The next update, RNI 3.3, is scheduled to be available in September 2015, following extensive testing and a soft launch with a limited number of utilities in July 2015. Please contact your Sensus sales representative or send us an email for more information.

  Utility Conference Rebranded  

Over the years, the Sensus Utility Conference has been the place to learn about the latest advances in Sensus products and services, and to network and share your experience with peers. Few other conferences offer more information, training and demonstrations that Utility Conference Rebrandeddeliver insight on how technology has transformed the way public service providers—from utilities to industrial complexes and campuses—deliver critical services to their communities.

We are committed to helping each of our customers reach farther in their influence, their service to customers, connections with peers and communities, and ultimately, results for their business. To better reflect the continual growth and development required of us to meet that commitment, we've renamed our annual Utility Conference the Sensus Reach Conference.

We invite everyone to reach along with us to connect in ways that drive real impact and help to achieve results beyond what was initially thought possible—at the conference and beyond.

Join us October 25-28, 2015 at the 2015 Sensus Reach Conference in Orlando, Florida. Let's reach farther.

  RTP Demo Lab Showcases Technology  
RTP Demo Lab Showcases Technology  

Now you can test drive Sensus products and solutions at our demo lab in North Carolina's Research Triangle Park. Watch simulations of our offerings in a real-time, real-world environment. And see firsthand how Sensus can help you do more with your infrastructure through the application of technology and data-driven insights that deliver efficiency and responsiveness.

The lab features a fully functional Sensus FlexNet system, a long-range radio network that serves as a dedicated and secure two-way communications highway for multiple applications. Within the lab environment, you can experience meter reading, leak detection, Demand Response, Automation Control, VantagePoint Lighting Control and Data Analytics solutions.

"The demo lab is another example of how we partner with our customers in responding to their needs—both today and in the future," said Vice President of Engineering, Dave Ayers. "With its 13,000 gas, water, electric and outdoor lighting endpoints, a smart home, and a working water tower, the facility is a haven for demonstrating infrastructure monitoring and control."

For more information and a virtual tour of the lab, please click here. To schedule a live demonstration, call 1-800-638-3748.

  SFUG Becomes SPAN  

In January's Customer Connection, we announced the adoption of Rename, Recommit and Re-energize as an organizing theme for 2015. Work immediately began on the first element with SFUG leadership committing itself to finding a more fitting name that better reflects the membership and portrays a strong, professional image. We're pleased to announce the fruit of that labor, SFUG's new moniker: Sensus Partner and Advisor Network, or SPAN.

"This name really gets to the heart of who we are and what we want to be," said David Anglin, chair, SPAN and director regulated operations, Atmos Energy. "Partners and advisors to Sensus and to one another, we create value in and benefit from our membership when we take full advantage of our network—in peer conversations, subcommittees, general membership meetings and the annual conference."

Established by FlexNet users in 2008, SPAN is open to all Sensus customers. Members exchange ideas, solve problems and maintain a conduit for information with Sensus. Industry-specific subcommittees meet monthly via conference call, and the entire group meets annually at the Sensus Reach Conference.

To learn more about joining SPAN, please contact David Anglin at [email protected] or 972-964-4110.

  On the Road with Sensus  

Sensus and our customers will participate in the following conferences the second quarter of calendar year 2015. Be certain to stop by our booth and attend the sessions we or our customers and partners are speaking at while you're there.

  • CS Week 2015
    April 27 – May 1, 2015
    Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte, NC
    On April 29 at 1:45 p.m., Sensus customer Larry Cody, IT Security Architecture and Engineering, Southern Company, will speak on "Security Risks and Concerns for AMI Communication Networks"
  • Lightfair International
    May 5 – 7, 2015
    Javits Center, New York, NY

  • UTC Telecom & Technology 2015
    May 5 – 8, 2015
    Cobb Galleria Centre, Atlanta, GA
    On May 6 from 10:45 – 11:45 a.m., Sensus Vice President of Marketing Randolph Wheatley will join representatives from Southern Company to present on how "Utility Networks Drive Storm Response Efficiency."
  • Smart Cities Conference
    May 12 – 13, 2015
    Renaissance Charlotte Suites, Charlotte, NC
    On May 13 at from 10:15 11:15 a.m., Sensus Director of Lighting Marketing Charlie Nobles will lead a session on "Smart Lighting: Turning on Savings, Enhancing Economic Development."
  • AGA Operations Conference & Biennial Exhibition
    May 19 – 22, 2015
    Gaylord Texan Hotel & Convention Center, Grapevine, TX
    Booth #1009
    On May 21 from 1:00 1:45 p.m., Sensus customer Lynn May of Enbridge, will give a talk on "Ultrasonic Technology: Changing the Natural Gas Footprint."

    On May 21 from 8:55 9:40 a.m., Sensus Product Manager Chris Atkins will be joined by David Anglin, chair, SPAN, and director regulated operations of Atmos Energy, and Joseph Turgeon, consultant, Black & Veatch, on a panel focused on "Operational Efficiency through AMI: Cathodic Protection Solutions."

  • AWWA ACE15
    June 8 – 10, 2015
    Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA
    Booth #1313
    On June 8 from 4:00 4:30 p.m., Sensus Information Security Director Balu Ambady will present on "Keeping the Bad Guys Out: How to Develop a Secure Communications Infrastructure."

    On June 8 from 7:00 10:00 p.m., Sensus will host a customer appreciation event on Stage 17 at Disney's California Adventure Park. Customers can take advantage of reserved seating for the 9:00 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. showings at the World of Color show. Look for an email with your invitation and link to registration soon.

    On June 9 at 1:30 p.m., Sensus Distribution Channel Marketing Manager Andrea Davis will participate on a panel on "Using New Communication Technologies to Reach Special Audiences."

  • 83rd Annual Conference of Mayors
    June 19 – 22, 2015
    San Francisco, CA

  • Municipal Smart Grid Summit
    June 21 – 23, 2015
    PGA National Resort and Spa, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
In Other News
About Customer Connection
Customer Connection is a quarterly e-newsletter created with you, the Sensus customer, in mind. Here we'll share important company announcements, initiatives, product information and upcoming events. It will also be a place where you can learn from your peers and hear about how Sensus products and services help them achieve their organizational goals.

If this issue was forwarded to you and you'd like to receive future issues, you can subscribe by completing this form.

Share Your Feedback
We want the sharing to go both ways and encourage you to recommend your success story for coverage in future editions. Send that information to Paula Dickerson. All submissions will be captured and considered for future newsletters. The next customer success story you read might be your own!
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