Sensus Customer Connection April 2019
Sensus Customer Connection Newsletter  

Customer Connection

April 2019
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A Note From Colin Sabol:
Customer First

Customer First  

You've heard me talk about our three Cs: Compelling Solutions, Continuous Improvement and Customer First. I want to highlight how we're moving forward with Customer First and share some of our initiatives in that area of focus for 2019.

I'm proud of our latest solution in electricity metering, the Stratus IQ™ meter, which offers our customers better capabilities for power management, cost-efficiency and safety. It has commercial and industrial strength in a residential meter and we've engineered it to be the most robust meter in the market.

As we push our solutions forward, hearing what you want to see in new products and services is invaluable. Through SPAN, the Sensus Partner and Advisor Network, we gather this information from customers on what product features and benefits are necessary to their success. We then work with customers throughout the product design process and rely on our customers for alpha and beta prior to the official product launch.

To help us focus on compelling solutions, we recently aligned the Marketing, Engineering and Solutions functions within the Sensus organization and welcomed Steve Toteda as our new Vice President of Marketing and Technology. In this role, Steve will help to drive functional improvement and transparency in bringing new products to market.

I know I speak for both Steve and I when I say we're excited about this change, and we look forward to meeting with more of you this year at the Reach Conference. I always look forward to the customer presentations and the opportunities to hear directly from you. This year at the conference, there will be a new opportunity to work together through a Watermark volunteer event in the local Anaheim community. I hope I will see you there.

Colin R. Sabol
Senior Vice President and President
Xylem Measurement & Control Solutions

  Customer Spotlight: Cedar Park  
Customer Spotlight: Cedar Park  

The City of Cedar Park, located just outside of Austin, Texas, upgraded its system with Sensus technology to put customers in control of their water usage and billing.

The utility team from Cedar Park recognized the need to be able to better communicate with customers about how much water they were using and the impact it would have on their bills. They partnered with Sensus to upgrade their AMR system and deployed the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) solution to 23,000 municipal water customers. The solution included Sensus smart meters and the FlexNet® communication network, a two-way system that allows city staff to remotely monitor water usage and increase billing accuracy. The utility also implemented the Sensus Analytics solution and opted into the Customer Portal to streamline customer communication and water usage data.

The new solutions have allowed Cedar Park customers to see details about their water usage down to one hour increments, along with the ability to create customizable alerts for unusual water activity.

“The system allows our team to detect continuous flow very quickly, sometimes within a few hours,” said Cedar Park Utility Programs Manager Nanette McCartan. “This helps us catch leaks early, before damage occurs or bills increase significantly. A few times, customers didn’t believe they had a problem—but later they called us back to thank us.”

Read the case study to learn more about Cedar Park's implementation and what they have planned for the future.

The next customer spotlight could be you. Contact Lindsay Hill to share your story.

  Solution Spotlight: Stratus IQ Provides More Data—Faster  
Ultrasonic Metering: The Gas Utility of the Future  

The latest in residential electricity metering from Sensus, the new Stratus IQ™ meter is designed to be tougher and faster than others in its class. With commercial and industrial horsepower in a residential meter, its benefits include:

  • Monitoring energy consumption—and so much more—with eight load profile channels
  • Measuring voltage minute-by-minute for maximum grid monitoring and performance
  • A virtually indestructible design that protects against weather, theft and tampering
  • Support of "software-defined metrology features" including loss of neutral and power quality.
Read the press release to hear more about the new Stratus IQ and how its capabilities significantly improve power management, cost savings and safety for your utility.

  Prepare to Reach Farther  
Prepare to Reach Farther  

Registration has opened for the 2019 Sensus Reach Conference! This year you'll see some exciting format changes, more sessions packed full of engaging content, and new activities and opportunities for networking. Make your plans to join us in Anaheim from November 3-6.

What's new this year:

  • Even more conference sessions and hands-on Learning Labs
  • Closing Celebration on Wednesday night to end the conference with entertainment
  • New activities, including a Xylem Watermark volunteer event where you can join us in giving back to the community
We've already received many speaking abstracts from our customers and partners. Join the conversation by sharing your story! Submit a speaking abstract.

Know a Sensus customer, distributor or employee who deserves recognition for their dedication to serving their customers or community? Nominate them for a Reach Award.

Need help illustrating the value of your trip to your boss? Download the Case to Attend to see how Reach 2019 can benefit you and your organization.

Secure your spot now for the early-bird rate of $200 off the conference fee. Special hotel conference rates are available.

  SPAN Corner  
SPAN Executive Team  
(L to R): Sensus User Community Manager: Dominic Longo; Vice-Chair: Kevin McCauley, Utilities Kingston; Secretary: Brandon Lundy, Alabama Power; Chair: Jeff Parish, Georgia Power; Past Chair/Advisor: Mitch Cason, Georgia Power; Sensus SPAN Liaison: Arlin Rummel  

In 2018, the Sensus Partner and Advisor's Network (SPAN) celebrated its 10-year anniversary. Hear more about current Chair Jeff Parrish and what he has planned for the future of SPAN.

Jeff Parrish has been with Georgia Power for 37 years and has spent his entire career in engineering. He currently serves as a Metering Services Supervisor for the Utility. When Georgia Power began their deployment in 2007, Jeff joined the first meeting of what would become SPAN in 2008. He led the Electric Meter Subcommittee until volunteering for the Executive Committee as Secretary in 2016.

"Over time, I really saw the benefit of having an organization user group like SPAN. Sensus' involvement with the group and the backing of the group played a major role in our ability to make progress. It maintains momentum to have users meet together to work on common solutions, and I've seen it exponentially grow."

Jeff has identified the following goals for the group:

  • Re-strengthen the commitment to solve issues by leveraging the focus groups. Focus groups were developed to pull in resources to address specific issues in a smaller forum.
  • Focus on communications to all members and potential members and increase executive team engagement with subcommittees.
  • Continue to maximize the relationship between the SPAN membership and Sensus and increase engagement between Sensus liaisons and each subcommittee.
"It's one thing for a group of users to sit and brainstorm ideas—it's entirely different to actively engage a vendor to make a change to a product, add enhancements to an existing product, or introduce a product that a utility wants or needs. These are real, live customers asking for things, and the ability to provide feedback that we know will be acted upon is priceless."

SPAN has grown to almost 200 member utilities. Hear more about the evolution of SPAN here.

  On The Road with Sensus  
Don't miss out on connecting with us at industry conferences and events. Here's where you can find us in the second quarter of 2019.

Smart Cities Gas Water

In The News
Whether through a trade publication, social media, daily newspaper or local TV, the Sensus Corporate Communications team can help share your success story. Check out some of our most recent news releases and contributed articles.

News Releases
Case Studies

About Sensus Customer Connection
Sensus Customer Connection is a quarterly e-newsletter focused on company announcements, initiatives, product information and upcoming events. It's also a place where you can learn from your peers and hear about how Sensus products and services help them achieve their organizational goals.

If this issue was forwarded to you and you'd like to receive future issues, you can subscribe here.

Share your feedback
We want the sharing to go both ways and encourage you to recommend your success story for coverage in future editions. Send that information to Lindsay Hill. The next customer success story you read might be about you!

8601 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 27615, USA
Phone: (800) 638-3748
Past Issues

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