Sensus Customer Connection December 2018
Sensus Customer Connection Newsletter  

Customer Connection

December 2018
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A Note From Colin Sabol: An Update on the Three C’s

Customer First  

Earlier this year, you heard me touch on our three Cs: Customer First, Continuous Improvement and Compelling Solutions. As we approach the end of 2018, I want to reflect on all that we have accomplished to deliver on our areas of focus.

At our annual Reach Conference in October, we achieved several milestones. We had a record number of attendees join our largest number of sessions to date, providing them with valuable content and opportunities to learn from their peers. Next year, we will welcome Reach attendees to take part in our citizenship and social investment program by attending a Watermark volunteer activity. We hope that you will join us for this trailblazing event.

I again want to congratulate the Sensus Partner and Advisor Network (SPAN) for celebrating their 10th anniversary this year at Reach. I am excited about the ideas I heard for the future of this partnership.

I also want to recognize all of our Reach Award winners. There were many incredible nominees this year who were all dedicated to serving their utilities, communities, customers and peers. Thank you and congratulations to all the winners, especially those who have demonstrated their commitment to Customer First and Compelling Solutions.

Some of our greatest compelling solutions achievements this year are the new products we have introduced, including the FlexNet EasyLink Mobile Communication solution and the Power Line Carrier (PLC) to AMI migration path. On behalf of Xylem Measurement & Control Solutions, we thank you for your partnership and look forward to our continued shared success in 2019.

Colin R. Sabol
Senior Vice President and President
Xylem Measurement & Control Solutions

  Customer Spotlight:
Eagle Mountain
Customer Spotlight: Eagle Mountain  

Eagle Mountain utility workers recognized the need to update their water utility system to support their rapidly-growing city in Utah.

Eagle Mountain was looking for a simple cost-effective way to upgrade its water meters and mobile metering reading solution. To achieve greater accuracy and reduce truck rolls, the city is now using the FlexNet EasyLink™ Mobile Communications solution, which allows technicians to easily acquire data from meters through a portable, long-range radio device. Data is gathered through a single mobile reading device that collects data from both FlexNet SmartPoints and ERTS simultaneously.

The utility department was so satisfied with the solution that it began a full deployment before the initial testing was completed. Along with using the FlexNet EasyLink system across all of its water meters, the utility is implementing a meter replacement program with iPERL® residential and OMNI™ commercial smart water meters.

The new solutions have allowed Eagle Mountain to be more efficient and proactive in serving its customers. Read the press release to learn more.

The next customer spotlight could be you. Contact Lindsay Hill to share your story.

  Solution Spotlight: PLC to AMI Migration  
Ultrasonic Metering: The Gas Utility of the Future  

South Central Power provides electricity to more than 118,000 customers within 24 counties in central and southern Ohio. After years of successfully capturing billing reads through Power Line Carrier (PLC), their aging system became hard to maintain and prevented them from keeping pace with the benefits available in newer communication systems.

The legacy PLC system required a lot of electrical switching from substation to substation, which often resulted in reduced meter reading capability. The cooperative also relied on customer calls to understand when outages occurred, rarely getting a full picture of the outage until they sent a technician to investigate. South Central Power’s team determined that it was the right time to upgrade to a next-generation advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) solution.

The team opted to upgrade to the Sensus AMI solution, powered by FlexNet® communication network, a robust system that would enable the team to collect, deliver, manage and analyze meter data remotely in near-real-time over a secure two-way communication network. South Central will also utilize the system for Distribution Automation, automating their distribution system to give them greater visibility and control to greatly improve overall customer satisfaction.

The entire deployment is expected to be completed in less than three years. Read the press release to learn more.

  Milestones at Reach 2018  
Celebrated Milestones at Reach 18  

In October, we held our annual Reach Conference in Hollywood, Florida. More than 1,200 attendees joined us for our biggest and most in-depth conference to date.

Stories of solutions

This year, we held more than 220 sessions, including presentations by partners, distributors, and customers – the most we’ve ever had. We heard your experience with implementing Sensus solutions and your customer service success stories.

We also held our first-ever Learning Labs, providing hands-on training to attendees who learned how to perform specific tasks with Sensus solutions.

Recognizing stellar individuals

The Sensus Reach Awards recognized six of our customers, distributors and employees for innovation, problem-solving and results. These recipients were selected from an impressive pool of nominees – the most we’ve ever had. Congratulations to all of our winners.

Make your plans

Pre-registration has opened for Reach 2019. Please mark your calendars and join us November 3-6, 2019 in Anaheim, California.

  Meet the People Behind Sensus Technologies  
Meet the People behind Sensus  
David Duke    

Sensus employees David Duke and Tom Galuska were recognized as two of our Reach Award winners.

David Duke, our employee winner in the Customer First category, currently serves as Senior Manager, Sensus Customer Solutions Lab.

As the man behind the curtain, David helps enable about 500 live demos a year for audiences across the world, at the Solutions Lab and online.

David says “it’s the best job in the building”, because he gets to play with all of our products. Send David an email if you’d like to set up a demo with him.

Meet the People behind Sensus  
Tom Galuska    
Tom Galuska, our employee winner in the Compelling Solution category, currently serves as Senior Marketing Manager.

Tom has been with Sensus for more than 20 years and has continuously looked for ways to provide compelling solutions to customers – including products like FlexNet EasyLink Mobile Communications. He recognizes the need for customers to manage technology upgrades at their own pace, and doesn’t quit until the customer has what they need.

Tom is always looking for a new challenge and to grow our product solutions portfolio. To read more about FlexNet EasyLink, click here.

  SPAN Corner: Celebrating 10 Years  

This year, we celebrated 10 great years of the Sensus Partner and Advisor Network (SPAN). SPAN, which is open to all Sensus customers, was created as an opportunity for member utilities to share best practices and exchange ideas through collaboration.

“For the last decade SPAN has provided an invaluable opportunity for our members to connect with other utility leaders while working directly with Sensus to respond to changing industry needs,” said Jeff Parish, chairman of SPAN and metering services supervisor at Georgia Power Company. “The organization stands as a testament to the value Sensus places on their customers and their willingness to help us improve our own customers’ experiences.”

The group meets annually at the Sensus Reach Conference, where attendees can speak with SPAN leaders about the benefits of membership. Since the Reach Conference, SPAN has added 34 new member utilities – surpassing the 200-member mark!

Not a member yet? Become a part of the next 10 years of SPAN.

  On the Road with Sensus  
Don’t miss out on connecting with us at industry conferences and events. Here’s where you can find us in the first quarter of 2019.



In The News
Whether through a trade publication, social media, daily newspaper or local TV, the Sensus Corporate Communications team can help share your success story. Check out some of our most recent news releases and contributed articles.

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About Sensus Customer Connection
Sensus Customer Connection is a quarterly e-newsletter created with you, the Sensus customer, in mind. Here we'll share important company announcements, initiatives, product information and upcoming events. It will also be a place where you can learn from your peers and hear about how Sensus products and services help them achieve their organizational goals.

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Phone: (800) 638-3748
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