Customer Connection
September 29, 2014
In this issue –
  Customer First Initiative
  Turning Data into Information You Can Use
  Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Saves Money
  See You at the 2014 Utility Conference
  The Secret to Successful Deployments
  Let's Connect Online
In Other News  •  About Customer Connection  •  Feedback
Customer First Initiative
Over the last several months, we have focused on process improvements designed to better serve you, our customers. This work is part of our "Customer First," initiative, which is more than a phrase; it's a mantra we're committed to—at all levels of our organization. You, our customers, are our top priority, and everything we do is with you and your satisfaction in mind.
Customer First

  Check Invest in capacity  
  Check Meet customer expectations  
  Check Own it and be accountable  
  Check Use Six Sigma methodology  
  Check Increase efficiency  
  Check Produce data-driven results  
  Check Streamline upgrades  
  Check Improve

To that end, we're moving forward on a number of Lean Six Sigma initiatives designed to improve our quality and processes and ultimately to put you and your needs first. We'll regularly report on progress made toward reaching goals and deliverables by sharing proof points indicating progress made. The categories reported on may change over time as our focus shifts to meet your pressing needs, but the intent remains the same – to share how we're adapting to address your concerns.

Chief among the concerns you've shared is on-time delivery of the products you purchased. To better ensure a laser-like focus on that key metric, we've invested heavily in custom equipment that enables us to increase capacity in response to existing backlogs as well as better meet future fluctuations in demand. Significant progress in clearing orders has already been made, and we anticipate meeting, perhaps exceeding, delivery expectations by the end of the calendar year. We're also not taking the day-to-day operations for granted and have enhanced our processes and taken a number of actions to help us improve there as well.

Similarly, we've taken a closer look at our RMA process and relying heavily on our Lean Six Sigma initiatives have mapped out changes that will make the process run more efficiently and produce data-driven results. Anticipated customer benefits include improved responsiveness and reporting, increased efficiency and improved data integrity. The new process will be in place for iPERL and electric meters by the end of December 2014 with other products added during the first quarter of calendar year 2015. More details about the changes will be spelled out in a forthcoming PIN expected in mid-December.

We've also implemented a number of processes designed to improve the quality of our software. Once again, Lean Six Sigma principles come into play as we work to make installations and upgrades more streamlined, faster and uniform among our diverse customer base. Additionally, we've built in organizational changes that tie our software developers and quality assurance engineers even closer together and bring them into contact with customers on a regular basis. Some of you have already seen these changes and are engaged with our developers via meetings and conference calls. That open line of communication between you and our engineers presents an opportunity for you to see first-hand how we have been improving software quality without stifling creativity.

Those are just a few of the recent changes we've put into place to put you first. More are detailed in the articles below. We'll continue to share more in the coming months and look forward to the conversations that lie ahead.
 Randy Bays     
Turning Data into Information You Can Use
Turning Data into Information You Can Use
How can you make sense of the oceans of data your organization generates and turn it into information you (and your customers) can use? Two words: data analytics. Implemented correctly, data analytics provides increased insight into your business processes, more reliable network operations and improved customer engagement.

Data analytics solutions require three things: 1) the right data, 2) the right expertise and 3) the right user experience. Sensus sits squarely at the intersection of all three. We know the utility industry and understand the data it generates. We've built a team of all-stars who possess advanced credentials in data analytics, a strong utility background and deep analytics experience from other sectors that have pioneered big data solutions. And with this year's acquisition of Verdeeco, we're the recognized leader in collecting and presenting information in an accessible and user-friendly manner.

Ultimately, data analytics is key to utilities looking to maximize the benefit of the information they are collecting from their sensors. Its value cannot be overstated: whether it's descriptive applications that reveal data about what is happening (e.g. there is a leak), predictive applications that enable action prior to a problem (e.g. where might the next leak occur) or prescriptive applications that invite a reaction (e.g. stop the leak).

According to Brian Crow, Vice President, Data Analytics, "Each day, companies generate reams of data, but it's not always clear how relevant that data is. We know exactly what information our customers need and how to apply that information for their benefit. Plus, we make it understandable by presenting it in the most streamlined, intuitive manner possible, ensuring our customers get the actionable insights they need to effectively manage their business operations."
Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Saves Money
Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority
Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority (PWSA) selected Sensus for its smart water network solution and data analytics technologies. Sensus will provide the utility with the FlexNet™ communication network, meter data management software and a customer portal.

"This money-saving upgrade will benefit our utility and our customers," said Melissa Rubin, Public Information Officer at PWSA. "We expect to save approximately $120,000 per year, allowing us to maintain affordable rates."

Read our news release for more details.
See You at the 2014 Utility Conference
EVOLVE - The 2014 Sensus Utility Conference
Registration is still open for the Sensus Utility Conference at the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa in scenic Phoenix, Arizona, November 2-5.

The evolution of communications systems and data solutions from Sensus are changing the way utilities operate. This year's annual conference features information, training and demonstrations that will deliver insight on how utilities are leveraging our technology to change with the times. Learn how your peers are using our product and solution portfolios to deliver results befitting industry leaders.
The Secret to Successful Deployments
The Secret to Successful Deployments
Managing a communication network and smart endpoints can be daunting, but you don't have to go it alone. The Sensus services team is here to help – from planning to deploying to operating your entire system over time.

You've made the investment in smart grid and smart water technologies. Now you want to unlock their full potential and value. Whether it's reducing your IT and operational costs, increasing your operational efficiency or improving customer experience and satisfaction, we can help you realize these benefits and more.

"The services function is key to delivering the value of a communication network to utilities," said Randolph Wheatley, Vice President of Marketing. "To ensure our customers are able to maximize their investment, we work in tandem with them, acting as a true partner and trusted advisor. Their success is our success."

For more information, visit the Services section of our website.
Let's Connect Online
My Sensus Connection
The My Sensus Connection website is a convenient one-stop shop for managing your relationship with Sensus. From entering customer service tickets and RMA cases to downloading software and searching our comprehensive document library, My Sensus Connection empowers you to get the information and help you need – when you need it.
In Other News
  • Electric utilities and municipalities can better collect and analyze data that provides real-time actionable information with the iConA™ Generation 4 residential electric meter. The new generation of Sensus smart meters helps utilities monitor and control their infrastructure and retrieve data to balance supply and demand, restore service faster following outages and encourage consumers to conserve electricity.
  • The Sensus OMNI™Fire Hydrant (H²) meter is now available. The product provides the same accuracy and flow profile characteristics of our OMNI T² meter in a portable product with an aluminum casing, handle and stand. The 1.5" and 2" Stainless Steel OMNI meters are also now available.
  • The 1 millionth smart gas endpoint has been shipped to a large gas utility. The technology is being affixed to existing gas meters to empower the utility to securely send and receive data from the meters over the Sensus FlexNet two-way communication network. The approach enables future capability upgrades over-the-air, accurate wireless meter reading and operational cost savings.
  • The National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative (NRTC) has signed another three-year channel partnership with Sensus and will now be a value added reseller of data analytics solutions including transformer utilization, load aggregation, alert and alarm management and managed services. The NRTC already offers Sensus smart grid technologies, including the FlexNet communication network, smart meters, automation control and demand response solutions.
About Customer Connection
Customer Connection is a quarterly newsletter created with you, the Sensus customer, in mind. Here we'll share important company announcements, initiatives, product information and upcoming events. It will also be a place where you can learn from your peers and hear about how Sensus products and services help them achieve their organizational goals.

Share Your Feedback
We want the sharing to go both ways and encourage you to recommend your success story for coverage in future editions. Send that information to Paula Dickerson. All submissions will be captured and considered for future newsletters. The next customer success story you read might be your own!
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