Summer 2019

Customer Connection

A Note from Colin Sabol: The Value of Customer Input

As we approach mid-year, I’m proud to share some of our accomplishments in the areas of our three Cs: Customer First, Continuous Improvement and Compelling Solutions.

In the first six months of this year, we’ve had more than 10 product launches across our Measurement & Control Solutions organization, which includes the Sensus business. Vice President of Global Marketing and Technology Steve Toteda and I value customer input throughout the development process. We encourage your input to help us envision and develop leading-edge utility-wide solutions. We recently adopted Xylem’s product development process (XPD) to streamline our process and allow distributed teams across the organization to coordinate, plan and deliver compelling solutions.

Much of our customer input is rooted in the Sensus Partner and Advisors Network (SPAN), which is celebrating an exciting milestone this month with their 200th member joining! SPAN is available to all of you and provides a unique opportunity to have direct input to our solutions development. It’s also a fantastic forum to exchange experiences with your peers.

SPAN holds its annual business meeting at the Reach Conference, which is only 125 days away. We’ve made some great additions to the conference this year, including our Watermark volunteer opportunity. This is the first time we’re hosting a service activity with our customers, partners and distributors at the conference and I hope you will join us. We also have added more hands-on training for you, along with an exciting lineup of customer and partner sessions.

I hope to see you there and I welcome the opportunity to work together to innovate, learn and grow.

Colin R. Sabol

Senior Vice President and President
Xylem Measurement & Control Solutions


Customer Spotlight: Comanche Electric

After more than a decade pioneering the use of a power line carrier (PLC) system for electric metering, the team at Comanche Electric Cooperative decided it was time to upgrade to the Sensus advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) solution for more accurate and dependable service.

The Comanche team found a network that could speed up data delivery for its more than 9,000 members. Their aging PLC system provided the framework for a seamless transition to AMI. They launched a solution consisting of Sensus smart meters which ran on the point-to-multipoint FlexNet® communication network. The technology upgrade helped the co-op to deliver data over its diverse terrain, improve operational efficiency and reduce the number of trucks out on the field.

Read the case study to learn more about Comanche’s deployment of the Sensus AMI solution and how it has allowed them to be more strategic for their members.

The next customer spotlight could be you. Contact Lindsay Hill to share your story.


Solution Spotlight: Smart Gateway

The Sensus® Smart Gateway Sensor Interface supports gas and water utilities in making prompt decisions based on timely data. Leveraging the FlexNet® communication network, utilities can use it to monitor pressures, temperatures, levels and switches. The battery-powered Smart Gateway works in areas where no power or land-based communications are available.


To extend the benefits of its Sensus advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), the Water Division team at Park City conducted a pilot program with the battery-powered Smart Gateway at two pressure reducing valve (PRV) sites. Shortly after deployment, the team immediately saw real-time results when an alarm alerted them to a pressure spike. Park City has since installed Smart Gateway at 24 additional sites in the community, which has helped the team to proactively respond to water pressure and flow issues.

Read more about the Smart Gateway solution and how it can benefit you here.


Meet the People: Steve Toteda

Steve Toteda serves as Vice President of Global Marketing and Technology for Xylem’s M&CS Division, which is where the Sensus business resides.

Steve joined Xylem in December 2018 as part of a reorganization to develop and deliver compelling solutions that create value for customers. In this role, he is responsible for the Marketing, Solutions and Engineering groups at Sensus and drives the overall development and launch of new products and solutions for a global market. 

Steve brings more than 25 years of leadership experience in engineering, marketing and product management. Prior to joining Xylem, Steve drove the international expansion of a technology supplier to mobile operators globally and previously served as Vice President and General Manager at Eaton, a large multinational power management company in the industrial sector, where he ran the Wireless Solutions Group.

In Steve’s new role at Xylem, he and his team will work to grow the international product portfolio, develop new solutions and move forward with priorities for innovation.

“We’re focused on product innovation and services that help our customers by bringing resilient, cost-effective solutions to market,” said Steve.

Sensus recently celebrated the controlled launch of Stratus IQ™, a market-leading electric meter for smart grid applications. This product is a key example of a solution concept and specification driven by the voice of the customer. The teams worked collaboratively with technology experts, including within other M&CS groups, to ensure a fully-rounded solution approach. The result was a product that was not only obsessively designed and tested to be indestructible, but had the intelligence and feature set to give utilities commercial and industrial power in a residential meter.

Since the beginning of this year, across Xylem’s M&CS division there were ten major product launches. These products continue to advance important capabilities for our customers, and Steve’s teams have significant efforts underway with customer-specific development to unlock new growth. This includes staying in tune to industry shifts and investing heavily in security to support our customers in the ever-changing world. Priorities for innovation include:

  • Leveraging global R&D investments to drive enhanced collaboration and resource efficiency
  • Driving pervasive security solutions to protect customer’s assets
  • Growing products through customer-centric solution delivery
  • Advancing communications technologies and software innovation

“Insights into customer needs are essential to help us with product development requirements,” said Steve. “We’re committed to driving solutions based on customer input, and that focused investment remains crucial to our success.”


Sensus Reach: Join Us in Anaheim

Registration is open for the 2019 Sensus Reach Conference in Anaheim from November 3-6. Make your plans to join us, because the early-bird price of $200 off the conference fee ends TODAY. Special hotel conference rates are available.

This year we’re bringing you even more content and new opportunities for networking and activities:

  • Welcome Reception – Join us to kick off the conference with food trucks, drinks, games and a DJ spinning your favorite tunes
  • Packed Agenda – Be inspired by Keynote Speaker Josh Linkner and build your schedule from a selection of more than 200 conference sessions and hands-on Learning Labs
  • New Activities – Participate in recreational activities in the Anaheim community, including a Xylem Watermark volunteer event in Orange County
  • Closing Celebration – End the conference on a high note where you’ll enjoy dinner, roaming entertainment, a band and other fun surprises

At the conference, we also celebrate customers, distributors and employees we have gone above and beyond by presenting the Sensus Reach Awards. If you know someone who deserves recognition for their dedication to serving their customers or community, nominate them for a Reach Award. All submissions must be received by August 2.


SPAN Corner: Looking Forward

The Sensus Partner and Advisor’s Network (SPAN) is open to all Sensus customers and is an opportunity for members to exchange ideas and maintain an open line of communication with their Sensus team. Learn more about current Secretary Brandon Lundy and his thoughts on the value of SPAN and its subcommittees.

Brandon Lundy has been with Southern Company for 15 years, the last ten of which have been at Alabama Power, where he currently serves as the team leader of operations in the AMI Management Systems group. In this role, he is responsible for the operations of all AMI systems to ensure quality dataflow.


Secretary Brandon Lundy

When Brandon joined Alabama Power as an information systems analyst and as they began their AMI deployment, SPAN (known as SFUG at the time) was still in its early phase. Brandon quickly became involved in SPAN and has held several leadership positions within the group, including vice-chair and chair of the Infrastructure subcommittee and most recently, he’s taken on the role of secretary for the SPAN executive team.

“Being a part of a subcommittee is imperative because you get like-minded folks with the same challenges who want to see similar products and tools developed,” said Brandon.

Each SPAN subcommittee meets on a regular basis to discuss requests they’re hearing from their teams and customers, common needs for innovation and other trends and issues in the industry. The subcommittees each have a SPAN liaison from the relevant product marketing group and an executive sponsor, who serve as their direct contacts to funnel ideas.

“In our Infrastructure subcommittee, we worked with the team at Sensus from idea to completion of the hard-to-reach (HTR) infrastructure device R100NA,” said Brandon. “We saw a huge need for a cost-effective product like it, and I really felt like our voices were heard. Being a part of the development lifecycle was a big win for us.”

To Brandon, being able to communicate about any issues and share problem-solving experiences and best practices are the greatest benefits of being a SPAN member.


SPAN Executive Committee Members - Dominic Longo, Kevin McCauley, Brandon Lundy, Jeff Parish, Mitch Cason, Arlin Rummel

As a member of the SPAN executive team, he hopes to help continue the momentum of the group and set the stage for positive communication among members. You can connect with Brandon and the rest of the SPAN executive team this year at Reach.

SPAN membership has grown to include 200 utilities. Learn more about how to join here.

Watch this video to see more about the evolution of SPAN here.


Sensus Blog: Customer Engagement in the Era of Instant Gratification

Written by Michele Reister, Marketing Communications Manager at Sensus

Remember when you had to make a phone call to make a restaurant reservation? Or go to a travel agent to book a vacation? What about anxiously awaiting a call from a doctor with your test results? Or walking into a bank to deposit a check? Yeah, I don’t miss those days either.

Regardless of the industry, customer satisfaction is king and impacts the reputation—and ultimate success—of any company. Last week the power went out in my house. I immediately used my phone to figure out how to report an outage or see if I could find information about when it might be restored. I typed my address into my service provider’s website to file a report. The next screen displayed: “We do not have your address on record.” Ummm, okay.  Next, I tried their 800 number. After repeatedly trying to articulate my speech as clearly as possible to the automated teller, the call was dropped. I called back. This time I got to the point where I could report the outage through their automated system, but it required an account number or social security number to continue. The account is in my husband’s name and I didn’t have that information. I was not a happy customer. I texted a few neighbors and they were also not happy customers.

Just like I track my Amazon packages, or monitor my kids’ school lunch account, or check if my flight is on time, I want my utility account information at my fingertips.  I don’t just want it, I expect it. The simple way to achieve this is through a customer portal solution.

Customer portals drive customer satisfaction

A water municipality in Texas was in a drought situation and rates had increased. Homeowners were upset about higher bills and Customer Service Reps were spending practically eight hours per day answering calls from disgruntled customers. With the roll-out of a customer portal, the utility was able to educate homeowners on the tier-billing implications during the drought. Customers had more control of their water bill because they could easily manage usage and set threshold alerts. And through understanding their everyday usage, homeowners were able to spot anomalies in the data and address issues by themselves, for example, fixing a leaky toilet. In the first year of using the customer portal, this municipality saved $67,000 and 15 million gallons of water. In addition, the high bill complaint calls diminished to an average of one per day!

One of my favorite customer portal stories also happened in the summer time. A homeowner had set an alert to notify him if there was any water usage during his normal work hours (when he was not home). This a common and recommended practice to catch things like a hot water heater leak or a hose left on. One morning while he was sitting in his office, he received a text message from the utility, notifying him about high water usage. After calling his family to confirm no one was home, he decided to investigate on his own. Can you imagine his surprise when he found his next door neighbor filling up her pool by with his outdoor water spigot? I don’t want to think about the uncomfortable conversation that ensued, but I know he was very grateful to have received the alert.

Most utilities don’t have to compete to gain and keep customers, but forward-thinking companies like Amazon are changing what customers expect—access to information, a feeling of control of their usage and consumption, and convenience to manage their account. Service providers can gain a “quick win” in satisfying these evolving customer needs through the implementation of a customer portal.

To learn more, check out our Viewpoint on customer engagement.

For more insights into smart utilities, visit the Sensus Blog.




Upcoming Events

Don't miss out on connecting with us at industry conferences and events. Here’s where you can find us in the third quarter of 2019.

NISC Info Conference

September 24-26, 2019

St. Louis, MO

IES Street and Area Lighting Conference

September 22–25, 2019

San Diego, CA

Smart Water Summit

August 25-28, 2019

Scottsdale, AZ

NRWA WaterPro Conference

September 9-11, 2019

Nashville, TN


In the News

Check out some of our most recent news releases and contributed articles.

About Sensus Customer Connection

Sensus Customer Connection is a quarterly e-newsletter focused on company announcements, initiatives, product information and upcoming events. It's also a place where you can learn from your peers and hear about how Sensus products and services help them achieve their organizational goals.

If this issue was forwarded to you and you'd like to receive future issues, you can subscribe here.

Share your feedback

We encourage you to get in touch with our team to share your success story. Contact Lindsay Hill and the next customer spotlight you read might be your own.