Sensus Customer Connection Newsletter
  Customer Connection
  January 2016  
  In this issue –  
    Customer First Initiative  
    Customer Spotlight: Pinetop Water  
    Lean Six Sigma at Work for You  
    We're Growing to Better Serve You  
    2015 Sensus Reach Conference by the Numbers  
    Help Us Make Sensus Customer Connection Better  
    SPAN Corner: What’s Ahead for 2016  
    On the Road with Sensus  
In Other News    |    About Sensus Customer Connection    |    Feedback    |    Past Issues
  Customer First Initiative  

Our Customer First initiative is more than a phrase; it’s a mantra we’re committed to—at all levels of our organization. This quarter, we dedicated this recurring column to the topic of leadership.

I’ve been managing people since 1979. I like to think that I’ve learned a thing or two since then. I call those lessons my time-tested nuggets of leadership insight. They’re relevant across the years as well as across industries.

  Randy Bays

Randy Bays
President, Sensus

They’re basic concepts in their own right; the challenge is applying them with discipline.
  1. Have a clear vision of where you want to take folks
  2. Develop a pragmatic strategy to guide you
  3. Identify and obtain the resources necessary to successfully execute your plan
  4. Nurture and build your team
  5. Know the difference between management and leadership

Follow the leader

Those concepts get you started, but you’re still a long way from the finish line. In addition, you have to possess excellent analytical skills and the ability to anticipate and capitalize on market trends. And you have to be willing to make the tough calls.

You also have to have boundless faith in yourself and your employees. That trust draws folks in and makes them want to follow you. People work for managers. They follow leaders, regardless of title or position on the organization chart.

Lastly, you have to care from deep down inside. About your vision. About your product. And, most importantly, about your people. Support them because they make the difference—to you and your customers.

Invest for the future

People make all the difference at Sensus, too. That’s why we invest so much in training, including our leadership development and education assistance programs. We treat all our employees like leaders, and they respond in kind. Regardless of title, they lead the way for Sensus and for you. Each day, they’re developing and supporting solutions that help you make the world a better place.

You see that in our in-house Lean Six Sigma initiatives that are slashing back orders, reducing lead times and improving product integration. These projects help you reach new heights in operational efficiency and ensure you’re able to provide your customers with reliable access to water, power and other critical services year round.

You also see it in our recent expansion in Covington, Louisiana and Cambridge, U.K. In both locations, we’re developing the technology that runs the new world called the Internet of Things (IoT). It’s that new world that will help you not only meet—but exceed—customer expectations for quality and reliability.

It’s about trust

We’re proud to offer solutions and services you not only need but also can trust. We don’t take your confidence lightly. Should we not earn it, we know your faith could easily be transferred to another company. Thank you for the belief you have shown in us over the years. We strive to demonstrate to you every day just how much we value it and you.

Randy Bays
  Customer Spotlight: Pinetop Water  

  Pinetop Water
Costly. Time-consuming. Error-prone. Environmentally harmful. Even dangerous. Manual meter reads can be all of these. With a smart water network from Sensus, Pinetop Water in Pinetop, Arizona addressed each of these concerns.

The solution gives the utility the capability to:
  • Provide reliable access to water year round
  • Detect leaks to conserve water
  • Manage and monitor water tanks and wells remotely
  • Complete system maintenance that was once postponed
  • Ensure employee safety
Download the case study to learn more.

Got a compelling story of your own? One that will educate and enlighten others in the industry? We want to hear from you. Contact Paula Dickerson, and share your story. The next customer highlighted here could be you.
  Lean Six Sigma at Work for You  
Sensus Collaboration  

We’ve shared updates about our Lean Six Sigma (LSS) program many times in the past. Randy’s even gone so far as to tout it as one of the best he’s ever seen. But the proof’s in the pudding. How exactly does it benefit you? In a number of ways as you can see below.

Slashed back orders on R-275 Diaphragm Meters

Lightweight and durable with fewer maintenance needs and a longer life expectancy, the R-275 Diaphragm Meter is one of our most popular products. That popularity gave rise to some issues with approximately 13 percent of orders past due in September 2014. Understandably, you were unhappy, and customer satisfaction was slipping.

Our team in DuBois, Pennsylvania set out to fix things. After careful analysis, they implemented a new safety stock strategy and order scheduling process to ensure a better product flow.

In less than three months, all back orders were eliminated, and we now meet the industry standard lead-time of four to six weeks.

Reduced lead times on RNI operating system builds

The Regional Network Interface (RNI)™ is the nerve center of the FlexNet® communication network. It gives you the flexibility to operate more efficiently—and on your own terms. You want your meters connected to it as quickly as possible.

One key step is the RNI operating system (OS) build. Prior to our LSS initiative, customers experienced fluctuations in build time ranging from 24 to four days with an average of 14. Those numbers simply weren’t good enough.

Our LSS team painstakingly reviewed the process from end to end. They identified unnecessary bottlenecks as well as inefficient use of personnel and revamped it.
Lead times fell from 14 days to less than one day—an 82 percent reduction in defects per million opportunities (DPMO). 

Enhanced Logic integration process

Your organization is awash with meter data. But that data is useless until you can efficiently organize, process and validate it. That’s where the Sensus® Logic MDM™ Application Suite comes in.

Prior to our LSS initiative, whipping data into a readable format from the RNI was a manual process that took an average of 132 days. You weren’t satisfied with those numbers; neither were we.

Our professional services team created an automated file comparison process to improve validation procedures.

Lead times dropped from 132 days to 50—a 67.5 percent reduction in DPMO. What’s more, data accuracy, speed and integrity all improved.  

Commitment to strive for more

In just two short years, LSS has become integral to the way we work. Refining our operations to enhance your satisfaction is part of who we are.

We’re pleased with the results achieved so far, but we’re not content to rest on our laurels. We promise to continually improve our processes and subsequently your customer experience. Your success is our success.
  We're Growing to Better Serve You  
You’ve heard the term Internet of Things (IoT). It’s the new world of interconnected objects and sensors that allows you to collect and exchange data from just about anywhere at just about any time.

It’s the new world that positions you to not only meet—but exceed—customer expectations for quality and reliability.

It’s the new world we’re helping bring to you via our expanded manufacturing hub in Covington, Louisiana and our recent acquisition of Sentec, an award-winning research organization that develops electronics and sensor technologies.

City of Covington  
Manufacturing hub creates technology that runs the IoT

Already the engineering center for our communications and metering solutions, the City of Covington will soon also be a manufacturing location for critical smart city infrastructure.

In order to improve lead times and drive six sigma quality initiatives, we’re bringing production of the recently released M400 FlexNet® Base Station in house.

With a better design, smaller size and more computing capabilities, the M400 supports multiple applications that help you:
  • Save significant operating costs
  • Isolate and restore outages faster

Recent acquisition to provide for global R&D expansion

Our acquisition of Sentec will expand our global engineering resources in emerging and transformational technologies, including those that support the IoT.

A UK-based company, Sentec has expertise in mechanical engineering, embedded firmware development and other skill sets that complement us. Additional offerings in the works include cost-effective IoT sensors like:
  • Window air conditioning units that provide data to enable demand response and load control initiatives
  • Energy-efficient washing machines to capture information on water and energy use

Helping you reach farther

What’s this all mean for you? In a word, “assurance”. Assurance that we’ll have the capabilities to supercharge product development and bring the additional products and solutions you desire to market. Assurance that your partnership with us affords you the capability to reach beyond perceived limits. Assurance that nothing’s out of reach.
  2015 Sensus Reach Conference
by the Numbers

Sensus Reach By the Numbers  
Three days jam-packed with networking and learning opportunities. Seventy informative sessions designed to help you expand your reach. Nearly 800 attendees representing leading utilities, municipalities and businesses nationwide. In Orlando—one of everyone’s favorite towns.

Add it all up and you’ve got the 2015 Sensus ReachSM Conference. Read on for a by-the-numbers recap.

Participants join together to expand their reach

The inaugural Sensus Reach Awards recognized four of your peers—two distributors and two customers—for their efforts to reach farther with Sensus technology.  Join us in saluting their dedication to their jobs and communities.
  • Aqua Metric – Distributor:  Commercial Category
  • Mountainland Supply – Distributor:  Customer First Category
  • Borough of Monaca – Customer:  Conservation Category
  • Dickson Electric System – Customer:  Commercial Category

A top priority of the conference is giving back to local communities. By redeeming your commemorative coin, you and other attendees:
  • Provided funding for 526 students to participate in ecological restoration events
  • Fed 2,390 Monarch butterflies
  • Saved 38,272 gallons of water by converting 1,913.6 square feet of turf to drought tolerant plantscape
  • Planted 1,400 trees to rebuild areas still devastated by Superstorm Sandy

Register now

The 2016 Sensus Reach Conference is scheduled for November 6-9 in Palm Desert, California. Registration is now open.
  Help Us Make Sensus Customer Connection Better  

Help us Make Sensus Connection Better  
It’s hard to believe we launched Sensus Customer Connection almost a year and a half ago. It seems like only yesterday that we sent out the first issue. The months have flown, and it’s been a gratifying experience watching the newsletter take shape and seeing readership increase.

We look forward to the months (and years) ahead and invite you to share your thoughts. Help ensure we’re able to provide content that informs and interests you and assists you in reaching farther. Please take a few minutes to complete this anonymous survey and join us in making Sensus Customer Connection better.

  SPAN Corner:
What’s Ahead for 2016
SPAN: Sensus Partner Advisor Network  

Recently, we caught up with Mitch Cason
, newly-elected chair of the Sensus Partner and Advisory Network (SPAN) and network coordinator at Georgia Power Company, to ask him about the 2016 goals for SPAN. He eagerly shared the organization’s roadmap for the year ahead. Read on to see what he had to say. 

“Now, we get to put the timber to the roof of the house to make things better.”

There was no hesitation in Mitch’s response to the question of what he wanted to stress above all else. A nod to the success of previous years, his response above captures the excitement with which he and others are approaching 2016.

“It’s a year to build upon the strong foundation laid in the past to realize greater outcomes for members,” continued Mitch.

Guiding those efforts are members of the leadership team, elected at SPAN’s annual business sessions at the 2015 Sensus Reach Conference. Joining Mitch are:
  • Vice-Chair – Dominic Longo, Supervisor Metering, Cambridge & North Dumfries Hydro Inc.
  • Secretary – Eddie Augusto, Manager, Metering & AMI Operations, PowerStream Inc.
  • Past-Chair – David Anglin, Director Regulated Operations, Atmos Energy Corp.

Embody core values

Together, the leadership team has mapped out a course that allows SPAN to demonstrate its core values of serving as a partner and advisor. The approach emphasizes teamwork and collaboration and has many components including calls for members to:

  • Become better connected with one another and with Sensus through My Sensus Connection
  • Make meetings more meaningful and productive
  • Work together to uncover ways to get the most out of their Sensus products and solutions, particularly the RNI
  • Give Sensus strategic input and feedback regarding product enhancements and solutions

Join today

“If you’re not a member, it’s a great opportunity to connect and have your input into developing the technology to meet your needs,” said Mitch. “It’s also the perfect forum for you to listen to others and get ideas to make your system better.”

To learn more, please contact him at [email protected] or 404.506.7315.

  On the Road with Sensus  
Sensus and our customers will participate in a number of conferences in the coming months. Be certain to stop by our booth and attend the sessions we or our customers and partners are speaking at while you’re there. Visit our website for a complete list of upcoming events.

  • DistribuTECH
    February 9-11, 2016
    Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL
    Booth # 915

    Sensus customers Mike Counts, electric operations manager, Huntsville Utilities, and Don Bowman, manager of engineering, Wake Electric, will present on “Voltage Monitoring by the Numbers.”

    In addition, we’re sponsoring the live webcast, “Beyond the Bulb. Strategies for Smart Lighting.” at DistribuTECH on February 9 at 11:30 am in room W206. Panelists hail from Florida Power & Light, Georgia Power, PECO and Duke Energy. If you can’t make it to DTECH, you can still join us via the webinar. Register now.

  • TechAdvantage
    February 15-18, 2016
    Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA
    Booth #631

  • EEI Spring Transmission Distribution and Metering Conference
    April 10-13, 2016
    Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, LA

  • LightFair International
    April 26-28, 2016
    San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA
In Other News
  • Alabama Power flips the switch on a lighting trial with Sensus VantagePoint™ Lighting Control Solution. The utility completed the first of a three phase beta trial, which included remote monitoring and control of the area lighting at their Montgomery, AL operations center. This trial is being used to evaluate the effectiveness of the control solution to conserve energy, increase efficiency and provide status on the condition of lights in the trial.
  • Non-revenue water (NRW) loss quickly adds up. In fact, it accounts for 20 to 30 percent of the total water distributed in North America. Learn “Three Steps to Reducing Non-Revenue Water” in this webinar hosted by the American Water Works Association, Travis Smith, senior product manager for water metering, Sensus, and Avery Lunsford, conservation manager, City of Universal City, Texas.
About Sensus Customer Connection
Sensus Customer Connection is a quarterly e-newsletter created with you, the Sensus customer, in mind. Here we'll share important company announcements, initiatives, product information and upcoming events. It will also be a place where you can learn from your peers and hear about how Sensus products and services help them achieve their organizational goals.

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We want the sharing to go both ways and encourage you to recommend your success story for coverage in future editions. Send that information to Paula Dickerson. All submissions will be captured and considered for future newsletters. The next customer success story you read might be your own!

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